the news online: When the crisis and the Global Exchange fell

Rabu, 26 November 2008

When the crisis and the Global Exchange fell

PLAYERS see the value of shares reduced the money in front of the eye. The share price was very high and then continue in a short time. Now, there are comprised shares cheaper instead of candy.

Optimism, which blooms in every corner of floor trading shares now difficult to find positive expectations in the labyrinth of stock. Put little hope that stock prices did not fall today or tomorrow is very difficult.

This is not a provocation. Sales at random (Its sellling) is a scenic day-to-day. Seems no more appropriate word choice to describe the situation of the market craze. Not only investors. Not a bit of a distraught management emiten extinguish the fire burning the stock market, including shares own company.

It seems as if only one word that was heard in the market ... selling ... selling ... selling ...! So, the more share price. Index stock prices continue Store. The number of shares to decline more than the price of the shares increased in price. If they had slightly increased with the scramble, a glance can be destroyed with no clear reasons juntrungannya.

The combined share price index (IHSG), for example, continues to reach the lowest point oppressive new every day. No exception Kompas100 Index, which is usually more than a respite with the index-stock index other. also the weakening of rupiah exchange rate.

Not only the Jakarta stock market exchange. The whole world also recorded a decline. In fact, many stock index falling more, bigger, instead of the index and stock prices in the Indonesian Stock Exchange.

The existence of the business cycle. After reaching a point , the cycle will move up. Is the U.S. stock market conditions have reached a point nadir to rise again? No one knows. Lament market conditions are not useful. Risk always adheres closely to the investment. How big is the potential loss of image due to the fall of the investor stock market, is also the risk that .

Strengthen domestic market

With the recession, sluggish business, and decrease the rate of economic growth that occurred in the United States, Europe and Japan, it is apparent that what happened in Indonesia. The three main export destination is a product of Indonesia. Demand for products from Indonesia can degenerate so that the company's manufacturing and producers of primary products (agricultural, mining, fisheries and plantations) to market its products difficulties. Indonesia's export income from there to shrink.

The issue becomes more complicated because the company must bear the additional burden of the weakening of the rupiah so that the rupiah to pay for debt and import raw materials to be inflated. Overwritten with the burden of interest rate bank loans. Moreover, now appear thrust and movement "does not want to know" from workers that the company raise the minimum wage. The lengkaplah complexity of the issue of the business world, including emiten.

In such conditions, the threat of termination of the working relationship between workers and companies more open. Unemployment stands, it means that the purchasing power of the community overall decline. A decline in purchasing power will be pressing demand products and services, the company that produced the complete decline in the business world.

Strengthening the domestic market in the sense that domestic demand is still high Indeed become the focus for the company to extend the endurance of his life.

However, the matter is not easy to reverse the palms. Market in the country that oppressed by the people's purchasing power, the possibility of future domestic market are also dumping of goods from abroad, also gape wide-width. This makes sense because the companies overseas are also trying to find other markets after the domestic market is oppressed.

Strengthening the domestic market there is no other way, except to maintain the purchasing power of the community remain high. One way that can be done is to accelerate the absorption of the central government budget and governance in the region. Because, there are now around Rp 90 trillion of funds for local governments to be put in the bank to enjoy the interest that banks also increased.

By the way, especially if the budget is used for the unemployed to encourage the development of infrastructure to absorb a lot of employment, other than a security valve for labor, also could be a fire penyulut economic growth continues on, create jobs, goods and demand remain. The Company continues to be in production, in the emiten including the stock exchange. Itukah some way out of this crisis. Of course complex. However, steps are simple without any implementation are also not produce results.

Banking, which still have large funds of the "unemployed" must also have a commitment to save the economy of this nation. Kucurkanlah funds to micro entrepreneurs, businessmen, entrepreneurs, small scale and without the intention of respite mengemplang that, in order to create business, employment and income for the community. they represent efforts to access funding, by reducing bureaucracy and requirements that are difficult to be fulfilled them.

The regulators, including the supervisor of capital markets and money markets, must improve the sharpness of their supervision of the behavior of the "players" who diawasinya. Improve the integrity of the market, enforcing the rules, regulations and make the prevention of bad behavior can not be to maintain investor confidence in the market. Without the efforts and simultaneously significantly to overcome the problem, clearly the direction of the economy, including the stock market as the window, prospective dismals also.

Collect the potential

What is most interesting is now done by? Executive property AH Marhendra states, consolidation is the absolute most things done. Collect all the potential to become energy scattered strong to stand upright in the middle of a storm crisis. Formula others, streamline management, cut the budget does not need to. However, on the other hand, spend large to very active in all lines of the market.

Marhendra believe there are many niche markets that have not yet tapped, is still large potential market that is hidden in the surrounding community, including in the various provinces. "Every day there is a marriage and child birth. No they may not need a house. Kan is not always good to sleep in the house beautiful spot, "said Marhendra, COO SpringHill. On the other hand, the property company's creative team must work hard designing a house that nice, solid, but at the same time affordable. This is the challenge companies properties, the company also in other areas of business,

Senior developer Ciputra states, he asks all staff members work in production and very efficient. Property development to meet the priority needs of consumers, not for show. Ciputra also always believed, in the current crisis as there is always a slit for the players entered the property. In all there are always opportunities crisis, there is always room for berimprovisasi and themselves. Senior developers, it will continue until the project is finished. The complete two more years, the crisis is expected by the community and purchasing power has been restored. At the time, the products are all consumers.

The same trick is done other developers, Puri Botanical Garden, Jakarta. CEO of this company, Sanusi Tanawi, stated, the company was lucky because not unduly affected by the storm of economic crisis the world is tremendous.

In general can be a problem of red yarn, does not disprove that there is a storm of the economic crisis took the world out. However, companies that have a reputation of not hopeless. They had opened a moments creativity and innovation. They exert all energy to compete in the very narrow space with the other business people. Interestingly, there is not a quiver, all believe the best strategy has won a narrow market niche. Interesting waiting who prepare the formula most telling. Who can afford the biggest meraup profit during the crisis. That would be able to do so is the company that connoisseurs.

Andi Suruji,Abun Sanda

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