the news online: Oktober 2008

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Starting from the education business

Many complained that to open a business opportunity is not there. This is a classic complaint that can not be with us again. Indeed, to start a business we can do with a variety of ways, one with the education that we have. Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo start a business with education. They are students from Stanford University.Yahoo started from the back parking lots is now growing rapidly.Jerry Yang and David Filo started the business from small and simple.
Jerry Yang describes the discovery that Yahoo is "an accident" when he and Filo tesisnya complete. Filo and that this launch Yahoo when they sit in the universities, before they complete studies. They start doing business with the listing several web sites that they like and write some software that allows a website to get other web sites that will be placed on a web portal called. At the time established in 1994, named Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they know that their sites visited by people from 90 countries, spontaneously say "Yahoo" and finally the words that are used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reach star status. Net income in quadruplicate fourth quarter of 57.6 million, while revenue jump from 91 million dollars into 201 million dollars. Now, Yahoo is the best portal in 2002

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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Learning From Failure

Failure is a label that often we connect with an action that is not successful, and so applied, the label is to make people who said we could not afford. This is the spirit lower our people to become successful. At the time we are still small, the failure does not have meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and will not be running. Due to speak, write and walk through failure that must be incalculable amount. Similarly in the business world can also emulate a failure in our infancy and we can learn from the failure.

Coca-Cola experienced a failure in the first year of sales. Sales made by Coca-Cola beverages in place in the front desk and spend 73.96 dollars to the campaign through banner ads and coupons. Failure to make the Coca-Cola to create awareness of other media, the mass media, which have more strength disbanding other media at that time and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of merriment.

Matsushita accounted for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has indeed proposal to previous employers, but do not get a response. To create this product, along with four Matsushita i take four months. Once the product is so, it appeared that no one would buy this product.

In 1993, Compaq, which at the time as the sale of the PC market leaders, through cutting the price to rival Dell. The result Dell Computer suffer losses 65 million dollars in the first six months, which caused almost bankrupt. Dell to learn from failure. He tried to find other ways to sell computers. Dell eventually make a very fundamental change in business process re-engineering that is called. in the business introduce the E-Commerce. In 1999, Dell can sell 1.7 million dollars per day through the site E-Commerce. Dell shares rose 2,000 percent in two years. Dell is able to competer with world-class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-NEC. Even the market share and profits continue to increase and eventually become the largest PC seller in the world.

When I started the business with friends, I experienced repeated failure of the back. I started with the failure of a book salesman, salesmen telex by phone, and car salesmen pengkilap materials. Primagama that only get 2 students in this campaign has been doing quite frequently. CV. Wijaya, the company that serves the car care services, which eventually die. Similarly start a business center computer education "IMKI", only 3 students and AMIKOM trusted by only 6 students. I'm with friends to try to learn from failure, and then make corrections and fix to achieve success

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Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

Top Computer Magazine

Since 1976, Dr. Dobb’s has led the computers press in covering practical technology. Unlike many magazines and web sites that focus exclusively on a single platform, language, or even a single development tool, Dr. Dobb’s has 30 years of experience covering all languages, platforms, and tools. Our authors, like our readers, are professional software developers and architects who want to explore new tecnologies, argue over programming style, share tricks of the trade, and build world-class systems worldwide.

source : www. ddj.comjavascript:void(0)

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Individuals Sales Program

Sales of individuals (personal Selling) is the communication of personal charge of trying to inform consumers about a product and inveigle to buy these products. Sales of individuals is a form of communication that is more appropriate, because the sales the company to ensure individuals in communicating with direct contact with prospective customers that special.

Goals from sales of various individuals is dependent on the role of communication in the integrated long-term prospective consumers find cover, to provide information to potential consumers, coax prospective customers to buy and maintain customer satisfaction through service after sales. To achieve these objectives1.3. Individuals Sales Program

Sales of individuals (personal Selling) is the communication of personal charge of trying to inform consumers about a product and inveigle to buy these products. Sales of individuals is a form of communication that is more appropriate, because the sales the company to ensure individuals in communicating with direct contact with prospective customers that special.
Goals from sales of various individuals is dependent on the role of communication in the integrated long-term prospective consumers find cover, to provide information to potential consumers, coax prospective customers to buy and maintain customer satisfaction through service after sales. To achieve these objectives trade not only skilled in selling, but also must understand the technical characteristics of the product. not only skilled in selling, but also must understand the technical characteristics of the product.
Most companies use trade and many companies entrust their important role as the holder of the mixture of marketing. Trade cluster is very effective to achieve a certain target marketing. Entry based on a survey of the Frontier is a Top Brand in the insurance sector by relying on Java trade approximately 22 thousand people to Bumiputera insurance products are easy to obtain. Nevertheless, they need high cost. Management should give careful thought to plan and develop sources of sales personnel.
Pattern cluster wiraniaga requires decisions about targets, strategy, structure, size and benefits, shown in Figure 1:20. Targets include trade search of new buyers, sales and communication services, information collection, and allocation. goals sales will determine the type of trade that needed to be recruited. Skills trade find new buyers with different skills trade to serve consumers who are already there. Bumiputera raise the sales target in the trade around 32%, or approximately Rp. 4.5 trillion from the goals in 2006 around Rp.3, 4 to 7 trillion with the regional office, the 46 branches of sharia in almost all major cities in Indonesia, the vision and skills to understand trade compliant products for the branch is very necessary.
Strategies are cluster trade mixture of problems and approach the most effective sales (single sales, sales teams and so forth). trade strategy is to the right customer at the right time with the right way. After the type of sales approach is determined, then the company can choose trade directly or by contract.

Trade truss structure is a choice between the settings / organization by region, product, customer or a mix of these options, and determine the size and shape appropriate areas. Strategy cluster trade have impact on the structure of cluster trade. The structure of the region is used when a company sells a line of products in the industry with the end-user customers in many locations. While the structure of the product or market, if the company sells many products on many types of customers.
The size of cluster trade include estimates of the burden of work and the number of working hours and therefore the required number of trade. Trade cluster size is a function of the type used trade, the desired sales targets and interests of individuals in the sales programs that integrated marketing communications. Trade importance of the size of the cluster because the company must balance the cost of which was issued in the sales and income generated.
Trade cluster benefits also include the determination of the level of payment and payment components, such as salaries, commissions, bonuses, allowances and fees. Trade to attract high quality, the company must develop an attractive benefits package.

Source: Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller, Marketing Management, 2006

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